Victor Lim

Victor Lim

Dear Mr Tye,

I would like to thank Tye & English for the six years of excellent education that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Your classes have proved to be the panacea for my English woes.  I deeply appreciate the 46 in English you have enabled me to achieve – especially vital as the inclusion for the English score is mandatory. This played no little role in my final ATAR of 99.05.

Despite being initially forced to attend your classes in Year 7, I quickly began to enjoy your English lessons after a few classes. Although most of the early ones such as Power Writing and Grammar have long sunk into the depths of Lethe, they have provided me with a solid foundation from which to prepare for VCE English. I was originally a rather mediocre English student in early high school – prone to making a myriad of primary school errors in my writing. The joy I felt when I finally learnt to use semi-colons and effective writing structures was indescribable – not to mention the sudden influx of A+’s. It is obvious that specialised, structured English education is the key to successful teaching. When compared to the harried, often over-worked teachers in my old high school, your staff win hands down.

But what of Year 12? What of the crux of 13 years of unceasing education? That is where Tye & English shines at its apogee of academic tutelage. Perhaps the best point for me was the sheer clarity with which each part of Year 12 English was tackled. I was given experienced teachers, as well as a veritable El Dorado of written material and background information. It was certainly a huge morale boost to know what exactly the English course contained, and in what order. The small class sizes enabled me to inquire in detail to the teachers of whatever problems I had. Furthermore, I now subscribe to the old adage: Practice makes perfect. Your school was the perfect place to hone my essay writing skills before a SAC, as well as to get the opinions of another teacher. My gratitude for this is immense. I would like to thank all the teachers that have taught me at Tye & English; from the art of rhetoric, language analysis, context studies to the humble points of grammar and essay structure.

I strive not to be verbose – for logorrhea is reserved for school essays. But I will say this: my praise is effusive, my thanks legion. Without a doubt, I would be languishing with a paltry final English mark if not for Tye & English. Again, a big thank you to you and all your staff – and long may you maintain your unparalleled standards of teaching!

Victor Lim, Melbourne High